Anyone who owns or manages a business in Fauquier County can be a Presenter at Ignite Fauquier. However, we do have a some guidelines and requirements.
A presentation at one of our meetings is not about doing a sales pitch for your company or product. It is about sharing a challenge that you are facing. This challenge should be something to which other businesses can also relate. The goal is to generate dialog about the challenge, and how others have managed it. The whole group can benefit from hearing about the successes and failures of others. You should be comfortable speaking in front of a small group, and you should be open to their suggestions. We recommend that you bring someone to take notes for you.
The only requirements are that you:
- must attend at least one meeting before presenting, and
- must own or manage a business in Fauquier County

If you are interested in being a Presenter, please complete the form below: